Play Gunslingers Gold

Game Controls

Move around using WASD or the arrow keys.
Use the mouse to aim and left mouse click to shoot or perform an action.
Select one of the equipped weapons by clicking the keys from 1 to 5.

Game Interface

The interface at the bottom of the screen displays everything you need to know about the status of your character.
The first icon represents the currently equipped weapon.
Near the bullet icon you can see how much ammo you have for the current weapon, written as n1/n2:
  • n1 is the number of bullets you can shoot before reloading
  • n2 is the total amount of bullets you are carrying for the selected weapons
You don't need to reload, it will be done automatically, but you won't be able to shoot while the character is reloading their weapon.
The bowie knife does not display or require ammunition. You will not need to reload the dynamite and molotov weapons.
The bar in the middle represents your health.
At its right you can see how many medipacks you're carrying. The last number on the right represents the amount of money you've collected.

Equipping Weapons

The weapons you can use during your missions are accessible by clicking the keys from 1 to 5 on the keyboard.
Key 1 equips the bowie knife.
Keys 2 and 3 can be used to equip primary weapons: there are 6 of them in the game, but you will be able to carry only 2 at once.
Keys 4 and 5 can be used to equip secondary weapons: there are 4 of them in the game, but you will be able to carry only 2 at once.
You will start the game with the bowie knife (key 1), a deringer gun (key 2) and dynamite (key 4).
At the end of every level you will be able to buy and sell weapons and equipment.

Game Mechanics

Each level contains many enemies whose sole purpose is to hunt and kill you!
You can hide behind objects so that they cannot see you. Pay attention to the cone that represents the view field of your enemies. If an enemy spots you he will start to chase you and will alert his fellows. Every other enemy who is near enough to hear his alert will chase you as well.
The view cone of alerted enemies becomes red. As long as the cone is green, they don't know you're around.

The player is hiding behind a rock and can't be spotted by his enemy.

Even if an enemy can't see you, he could hear your shots or be alerted of your presence from their fellows. You can backstab your enemies with your bowie knife if you don't want to be heard.

Approach your enemies from behind to backstab them. Be fast, because they'll hear you if you linger.

Enemies can see you through fences, but they won't be able to shoot at you through them. You won't be able to shoot through fences as well, but there are weapons (dynamite and molotov) which can be thrown above these obstacles.

Launching dynamite over a fence.

When you have a gun or rifle equipped, you will see a circle around the target which represents the accuracy of your current weapon. Weapons with higher precision will have smaller circle, and vice versa. If the circle becomes red, then the target is out of range and your bullet will disappear before reaching it.

A distant target: the circle represents the accuracy of your weapon.

Every time you kill an enemy you will collect money that will be useful to buy new stuff at the end of each level.
You will find many civilians during your missions. These people aren't a threat to you and you shouldn't kill them. Obviously, they could be caught in the middle of a crossfire, but if you kill one of them you will be obliged to pay a fee. If you don't have enough money you will fail your mission.

Weapon Store

The list of all the weapons that can be bought is on the left.
If you already own the weapon, it will be highlighted.
There are 2 types of weapons: primary weapons have a red background and secondary weapons have a blue background.
Clicking on a weapon will display its characteristics in the information panel.
In this panel you can buy the weapon (or sell it if you already have it) and its ammunition.
Secondary weapons don't have ammunition, you just have to buy multiple items of that type.

The player currently owns a rifle and some dynamite. They are both equipped.
The info panel is displaying information about one of the available guns.

The info panel displays information about the rifle owned by the player.
You can then buy more bullets or sell the rifle to recover some money.

As already said, if you own a weapon this is highlighted in the list on the left. If you want to bring a weapon with you, you have to drag it from the list on the left and drop it in one of the slots on the right.
As you can imagine, the red slots will keep primary weapons, the blue ones secondary weapons.
The 2 red slots correspond to the keys 2 and 3, those blue correspond to the keys 4 and 5.
You cannot unequip or sell your bowie knife: you will always carry it with you on your missions and it can be accessed in game by pressing key 1.

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